Why SpeedLetix

A holistic training concept improves physical fitness (coordination, agility, speed, endurance, strength) and cognitive performance with the help of a digital approach. This combination aids children in honing their learning skills at school and becoming well equipped for life

Complex movement patterns from everyday life, work and sport are specifically transferred to the training and continuously improved in the spirit of purpose-oriented training. As a result, SpeeLetix is a unique experience that will bring about a turnaround in anyone’s life who goes through it!

Benefits of the above for Each one of You:

Recording, checking, and precise evaluation of all movement sequences on the training surface: reaction time, speed, distance, moment patterns, etc.

Independent training control by athletes or as personal training with a Coach.

Precise analysis of training execution and monitoring of goal achievement

No age restriction: suitable for young and old.

It can be used for individual, group and team training

Training Using High Level Technology

  1. Tablet and SpeedLetiX club version with RFID processing:
  2. Local registration at the arena and stationary operation of training activities.
  3.  Multilingual SpeedLetiX app with state-of-the-art cloud technology:
  4. Mobile control of the training system via smartphone with maximum user comfort
  5. Scalable training area with high-tech sensors for area monitoring, easy to integrate into small and large premises.
  6. Powerful PC console for the provision and visual playback of training programmes on training programmes on a 65“screen or beamer
  7. Video system with camera monitoring for training analysis:
  8. Training monitoring, continuous improvement, control of goal achievement
  9. Unique design by the user:
  10. Creation and storage of own movement patterns and training programmes
  11. Large selection of different training programmes and continuous development with immediate access via the app.
Goals of Training

By getting trained with SpeedLetix, one can find themselves having the following Goals:

Strong power centre through strong core muscles

Mental and Physical Performance improvement through fun in training

Reduction and prevention of injuries and posture problems

Developing Smarter and Better Cognitive Skills


The Effects of SpeedLetix on the Future Generations:

  1. Improves all (sports) motor skills (strength, endurance, speed, mobility, coordination).
  2. At the same time, brain training = an increase in mental performance.
  3. Reduces Stress Overload.
  4. Increase in fat burning and activation of the fat metabolism
  5. Increasing the ability to react and the security in movement execution
  6. Improvement of agility, fine motor skills and basic stability

The ultimate experience of SpeedLetix is the combination of Visual Perception and the Physical Movement, which makes it a Unique Experience where People are:

1. Running and Sprinting

2. Jumping / Plyometric Training

3. Change of direction

4. Tapping

5. Deceleration (Stop and Go)

Leading to better

1. Speed and agility

2. Precision/fine motor skills

3. Orientation

4. Movement amplitudes and speeds

5. Decision quality

6. Reaction performance